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篇名 奈米粒子修飾氧化鋅奈米線於大氣環境中氮氧化物氣體感測應用
卷期 218
並列篇名 Application of Nanoparticle Modifi ed Zinc Oxide Nanowires for Nitrogen Oxides Gas Sensing under Ambient Environment
作者 呂文忠陳煜杰柯賢文林鶴南
頁次 026-033
出刊日期 201903


我們製作奈米粒子修飾之氧化鋅奈米線電阻式感測晶片,並應用於大氣環境中氮氧化物氣體感測。感測晶 片上有電極及奈米材料,當氮氧化物氣體分子吸附到奈米材料表面,使得晶片電阻增加,因此可由電阻變 化率得知氣體濃度。以紫外光活化感測模式,測出對 0.5 ppm 一氧化氮及二氧化氮,響應值約為 110% 及 590%,具有高靈敏度。我們也組裝一台可由手機進行操控的可攜式氣體感測器,以應用軟體程式記錄感 測晶片電阻變化,便可得知周圍環境氮氧化物氣體濃度。


We report on the fabrication of nanoparticle modified zinc oxide nanowire resistive sensing chips for nitrogen oxides gas sensing under ambient environment. A sensing chip is made of two electrodes with grown nanomaterial. The chip resistance increases when NOx gas molecules adsorb on the nanomaterial surface. The gas concentration can thus be deduced from the resistance change. Using the UV-activation mode, responses of around 110% and 590% at 0.5 ppm NO and NO2, respectively, have been obtained under ambient environment. A cell phone operated portable gas sensor has also been constructed. The resistance change of the sensing chip due to NOx gas is recorded in an App program and the gas concentration in the surrounding environment can be obtained.

