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篇名 應用於工廠煙道環境之即時光學空氣品質監測系統
卷期 218
並列篇名 Real-time Optical-type Air Quality Index System Application in Industrial Flue Gas
作者 邱裕中
頁次 061-068
出刊日期 201903


在本研究計畫,我們研究團隊計劃開發一應用於工廠煙道環境之即時光學空氣品質監測系統。此系統由帶 通光檢測器、雷射及 220 cm 光路傳輸組成。帶通光檢測器的吸收波長預計為 390 nm 到 420 nm。二氧化 氮的檢測目前初估已達約 5 ppm。在此必須強調,相較於傳統的氣體感測器,本團隊開發的系統無需替換 感測器頭。


This article introduces the manufacturing and design of the real-time optical-type air quality index system application in industrial fl ue gas. The system consists of a band-pass photodetector, a laser and a 220 cm light path. The wavelength of absorption of the band-pass photodetector is forecasted from 390 nm to 420 nm. The detect limit of nitrogen dioxide is estimated to be approximately 5 ppm. We have to emphasize that there is no need to replace sensor head in our system as compare to the traditional gas sensor.

