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篇名 婚暴併兒虐家庭之多元模式與發生情境
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 The multiple models and contextual factors for co-occurrence of marital violence and child maltreatment
作者 沈瓊桃童伊迪
頁次 073-100
關鍵字 家庭暴力婚姻暴力兒童虐待婚暴併兒虐家庭Family violencemarital violencechild abuseco-occurrence of marital violence and child abuse
出刊日期 201812


本文旨在探討婚暴併兒虐家庭的多元模式與發生情境。本研究針對家庭暴力防治中心所受理之通報事件的案家進行面訪,運用半結構式深入訪談收集質性資料。研究結果顯示婚暴併兒虐家庭存在著多元模式。本研究歸納出三種婚暴併兒虐的情境因素,分別是:1. 因施暴者個人因素(例如反社會性人格)所引發的婚暴或兒虐事件;2. 因以暴力管教子女所引發的夫妻衝突;3. 因婚暴事件所導致的兒虐事件。因婚暴導致兒虐事件的發生情境又可分成兒童無辜受暴與兒童仿效暴力。兒童無辜受暴指的是兒童因主動涉入或是被動捲入父母間的暴力衝突,而無辜地成為受暴的對象。兒童仿效暴力指的是隨著子女年齡的增長,子女不再是消極的暴力目睹或受害者,而是會反擊或攻擊父母。


This study examines the multiple models and context of dual-violence families. This study collected qualitative data from families who (were) reported incidents of family violence to Family Violence Prevention and Intervention Center. A semi-structure interview guide was designed to collect qualitative data regarding the context of marital violence and child maltreatment co-occurring in the same family. This study found three contextual factors of dual-violence families: 1. both marital violence and child abuse resulted from the abuser’s factors; 2. marital violence resulted from child disciplining issues; and 3. child abuse resulted from marital violence. Marital violence resulting in child maltreatment was due to two contexts: children were maltreated innocently or children had learned to use violence toward their parents. Children were maltreated innocently because they were actively or passively involved in the marital conflicts. Active involvement included children trying to stop the violence between parents, and children trying to fight back against the abuser. Passive involvement included: 1. children were hit for no reason; 2. the abused spouse turned to children for help, and then the abuser turned their attack toward their children; 3. parents diffuse their negative emotions into children; 4. spouse intended to attack their partner by hurting their children.
