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篇名 3D 影像掃描技術與其在室內定位的相關應用
卷期 219
並列篇名 3D Image Scanning Technology and The Application to Indoor Positioning
作者 孫慶成
頁次 004-014
出刊日期 201904


在新興的 IT 科技中,室內 3D 空間資訊的取得極為重要,其應用也相當廣泛。在本文中,我們介紹了三種最重要的光學掃描技術,包括結構光、ToF 與立體影像測距法,並分析了這些方法的優卻點。最後,本文介紹了中央大學 CIVIS 團隊在 3D 掃描的技術發展,包括自動掃描載具與點雲的處理技術。希望本文能提供給有志於相關技術的同好或先進一個參考。


In the new IT technology development, capture of 3D indoor space information has become more and more important. Besides, the associated applications have attracted intensive attention. In this report, we discuss three main optical scanning technologies for 3D indoor space information, including structured light, time of flight and stereo image detection. The characteristics, including advantages and shortages, of the three approaches are discussed. Finally, we introduce the developed technologies by the CIVIS team of National Central University, including auto-guided 3D scanning vehicle and point cloud processing technology. This report is expected to provide a useful reference to the people who are working or interested in this field.

