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篇名 宋使節使遼的共同感觸——以使遼詩為主
卷期 41
並列篇名 The Common Feelings of the Song Envoys to the Liao: An Investigation of “Shi Liao Shi” Poetry
作者 蔣武雄
頁次 001-040
關鍵字 外交交聘使遼詩SongLiaodiplomacydiplomatic activitiesShi Liao ShiTHCI
出刊日期 202112




Beginning with the establishment of long-term peaceful diplomatic relations between the Song and Liao countries, the Song dynasty usually sent official civil envoys to the Liao on diplomatic-related activities. As a result, the works of “Shi Liao Shi” appeared, describing the natural scenery during the journey, the hardships encountered, the steep terrain of the road, the severe cold weather of the northern land, the homesickness felt, and the customs of the Liao. The Song envoys shared common insights, observations, experiences and memories, and they even shared common feelings regarding “Shi Liao Shi”. The author divides these common feelings into twelve items in this text to provide a more detailed discussion, hoping to link the Song envoys to the Liao’s round trips with his train of thought and help readers better understand the history of diplomatic relations between the Song and the Liao as wellas their engagement.
