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篇名 都市公園改善順序決策之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Decision-Making on the Improvement Priority for Urban Parks
作者 葉偉傑簡伃貞
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 都市公園決策制度模糊德爾菲模糊層級分析法Urban parksMCDMFDMFAHP
出刊日期 202212


研究嘗試建立「都市公園改善順序決策之評估架構」以決策制度(Decision-making)相關方法中的多準則決策分析法(Multi-Criteria decision-making,MCDM),運用模糊德爾菲專家問卷(Fuzzy Delphi Method;FDM)及模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process,FAHP),進行兩階段評估因子篩選及檢測,爾後利用模糊層級分析法進行評估因子權重設定,嘗試為都市公園改善順序決策之評估引入新的探討觀點與工具。本研究依據都市公園改善順序決策之評估架構衍生出:探討「綠帶空間連接」、「公園內部設施」、「政策與民意」三項指標,從實質的外部空間連結到探討公園內部設施,並檢視市政政策與民意反映等作為都市公園改善順序決策之考量。結果顯示三項設計指標中的關鍵因子,評估因子中以公園可及性為最重要,依序為民意支持及共識、整體改善效益、無障礙通行環境、公園連結性、公園改善預算、使用滿意度,最末為兒童遊戲場環境,研究之評估指標架構尚有改善空間,但可提供當前都市公園綠地改善順序決策一個新的依循方向。


This research established an evaluation framework for decision-making on the improvement priority for urban parks. This study used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) as the decision-making related method. It applied a fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) expert questionnaire and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) to carry out two-stage evaluation factor screening and detection. It then utilized the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to set evaluation factor weights and to introduce new perspectives and tools for the evaluation of decision-making on the improvement priority for urban parks. Based on the evaluation framework of the improvement of sequential decision-making of urban parks, this study derived three indicators: “green belt space connection”, “park interior facilities” and “policy and public opinion”. From the actual external space connection to the exploration of park interior facilities, it examined municipal policies and public opinions as a consideration for decision-making on the improvement priority for urban parks. The results show among the key factors of the three design indicators that park accessibility is the most important evaluation factor, followed by public support and consensus, overall improvement benefit, barrier-free environment, park connectivity, park improvement budget, user satisfaction, and finally children’s playground environment. While there is still room for improvement in the evaluation index structure of this study, the proposed structure provides a new direction for decision-making on the improvement priority for current urban parks9 green space.
