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篇名 親生物設計是否可全球性地以同樣的方式被感知?:墨西哥和台灣之間的跨文化比較及對人們健康和福祉的影響
卷期 23
並列篇名 Is Biophilic Design Perceived in the Same Way Globally? : A Cross-Cultural Comparison between Mexico and Taiwan and Its Impact on People’s Health and Well-being
作者 馬莉雅歐聖榮
頁次 073-091
關鍵字 親生物設計人類感知t檢驗跨文化比較親生物設計模式Biophilic designHuman perceptionCross-cultural comparisonBiophilic design patterns
出刊日期 202212




As design professionals, we tend to apply certain design principles and elements in a universal way, assuming that the perception of each project by users from different part of the world might be the same. However,how to ensure that people can experience and perceive a place similarly in such a way that they can obtain equally benefits from our designs is an important issue. Concerning to biophilic design, which aims to contribute to the overall peopled health and well-being, this study is proposed with the aim of evaluating peopled perception from two different countries, before and after being exposed to a biophilic design environment, in order to identify their perceptual differences. In this research, authors compare the main differences between Mexican and Taiwanese respondents through a cross-cultural study conducted by an online survey based on the 14 patterns of biophilic design. The total valid sample was 222, 107 Mexican and 115 Taiwanese. The results revealed significant differences in the perception of the participants from the two countries regarding 4 biophilic design patterns, suggesting further exploration and refinement of the patterns to contribute to their future universal application.
