
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems EISCIEScopus




本期卷期 10:4
出刊日期 200812
刊期 季刊
ISSN 1562-2479
出版單位 中華民國模糊學會
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權


IJFS includes papers that deal with the theory, design, and application of fuzzy systems soft comput...

  • 本期卷期:10:4
  • 出刊日期:200812
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Performance of a Novel Fuzzy-Based Code Allocator for Two-Dimensional Spreading OFCDM Communication Systems Yung-Fa Huang、Neng-Chung Wang、Tan-Hsu Tan、Chih-Pin Tsai OFCDM systems2-D OVSF codediversity gainfuzzy inference systemtime and frequency selec-tive fading channelEISCISCIEScopus
2 On-line Adaptive T-S Fuzzy-Neural Control for A Class of General Multi-Link Robot Manipulators Wei-Yen Wang、Yi-Hsing Chien、Yih-Guang Leu、Tsu-Tian Lee fuzzy-neural modelmulti-link robot ma-nipulatorsrobust adaptive controlEISCISCIEScopus
3 Fast Mode Decision Using Fuzzy Reasoning for Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC Video Coding Pei-Jun Lee、Han-Kui Chang Fuzzy logicMPEG-4H.264/AVCmotion degreemotion estimationmode decisionedge energy distributionEISCISCIEScopus
4 Integration of CMAC-GBF Systems and Support Vector Regression Approach Chen-Chia Chuang、Chia-Chu Hsu Support Vector RegressionCerebellar Model Articulation Controller and Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller with General Basis Function SystemsEISCISCIEScopus
5 Interval Type-2 Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Dynamic Control Design for Wheeled Mobile Robots Ming-Ying Hsiao、Chih-Yang Chen、Tzuu-Hseng S. Li Adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode controllerin-terval type-2 fuzzy logic controlLyapunov methodtrajectory trackingWMREISCISCIEScopus
6 Operations on Concavoconvex Type-2 Fuzzy Sets Hooman Tahayori、Giovanni Degli Antoni Concave fuzzy setConvex fuzzy setCon-cavoconvex fuzzy setType-2 fuzzy setJoinMeetEISCISCIEScopus
7 A linearization method for quadratic minimum spanning tree problem Jing-Rung Yu、Ren-Xiang Shi、Her-Jiun Sheu Linear integer programmingNetwork optimizationQuadratic minimum spanning treeEISCISCIEScopus
8 Fuzzy Logic Based Control for VFS Speaker adaptation Ing-Jr Ding speech recognitionspeaker adaptationTakagi-Sugeno fuzzy logic controllervector field smoothingEISCISCIEScopus
9 Divisible and pure intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups and their properties S. Yamak、O. Kazanc、B. Davvaz Divisible intuitionistic fuzzy subgroupsintuitionistic fuzzy subgroupspure intuitionistic fuzzy subgroupsEISCISCIEScopus

