
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems EISCIEScopus




本期卷期 16:1
出刊日期 201403
刊期 季刊
ISSN 1562-2479
出版單位 中華民國模糊學會
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權


IJFS includes papers that deal with the theory, design, and application of fuzzy systems soft comput...

  • 本期卷期:16:1
  • 出刊日期:201403
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 FANTIS: A Fuzzy Automatic New Topic Identification System Fatih Cavdur Automatic new topic identificationfuzzy logicinformation retrievalquery clusteringEISCISCIEScopus
2 Fuzzy Logic Controller of Gentle Random Early Detection Based on Average Queue Length and Delay Rate Mahmoud Baklizi、Hussein Abdel-Jaber、Ahmad Adel Abu-Shareha、Mosleh M. Abualhaj、Sureswaran Ramadass Congestion controlfuzzy logicgentle random early detectionqueuing systemsEISCISCIEScopus
3 A Self-Organizing Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Network for Radar Emitter Identification Chih-Min Lin、Yee-Ming Chen、Chi-Shun Hsueh Type-2 fuzzy systemfuzzy neural networkself-organizing learning algorithmemitter identificationelectronic support measuresEISCISCIEScopus
4 Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control with Compressor and Limiters for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Yong-Qing Fan、Yin-He Wang、Wen-Qing Wang Adaptive controlcompressorlimiteruniformly ultimately bounded EISCISCIEScopus
5 A Hybrid Fuzzy Clustering Method with a Robust Validity Index Horng-Lin Shieh Clustering algorithmfuzzy c-means robustvalidity indexEISCISCIEScopus
6 Kernel Spatial Shadowed C-Means for Image Segmentation Long Chen、Jing Zou、C. L. Philip Chen Fuzzy clusteringimage segmentationkernel methodshadowed C-Meansspatial informationEISCISCIEScopus
7 Operator Dependent Variations of the Mamdani-Type Inference System Model to Reduce the Computational Needs in Real-Time Evaluation Edit Tóth-Laufer、Imre J. Rudas、Márta Takács Mamdani-type inference systemfuzzy operatorscomplexity reductionoptimizationEISCISCIEScopus
8 An Observer-Based Model Reference Adaptive Iterative Learning Controller for Nonlinear Systems Ying-Chung Wang、Chiang-Ju Chien Iterative learning controlobservermodel reference adaptive controlfuzzy neural networknonlinear systemsEISCISCIEScopus
9 DSP-Based Optical Character Recognition System Using Interval Type-2 Neural Fuzzy System Ching-Hung Lee、Feng-Yu Chang、Chih-Min Lin Interval type-2 fuzzy neural networkuncertainty boundssimultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithmoptical character recognitiondigital signal processors EISCISCIEScopus
10 H∞ Control Synthesis for the Large-Scale System Based on a Linear Decomposition of Nonlinear Interconnections Wei Chang、Wen-June Wang、Nai-Jen Li、Hao-Gong Chou、Jun-Wei Chang Large-scale systemsfuzzy systemsdecompositionlinear matrix inequality H∞ controlEISCISCIEScopus

