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篇名 幽默創造訓練之課程設計暨實徵效果評估
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 A Course Design for Creative Training of Humor and the Effects of an Empirically Evaluative Study
作者 邱發忠陳學志卓淑玲
頁次 179-198
關鍵字 效果評估幽默幽默創造訓練課程Evaluative effectsHumorCreative humor training courseTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200304


本研究目的在分析幽默創造技巧、設計幽默訓練課程,及進行課程之效果評估。在預備性研究部份,以陳學志、王強之、邱發忠、蕭韶華 (民88) 的分類為基礎,重新對網路上之3218則幽默刺激做分析。結果發現7類最常用之幽默創造規則,其分別為:「掌握諧音」、「語句的組合技巧」、「詞彙意義的多重性」、「語句意義的多重推論性」、「錯誤的推論」、「重新解釋」、「隱喻推論」技巧。在正式研究裡,以上述7類技巧及相關學習理論為基礎,設計幽默創造訓練課程;並以實驗組、控制組,前後測的研究設計,邀請政戰學校30位學生為參與者,檢驗此課程的有效性。研究結果為:1)經過訓練後,參與者在「幽默創造測驗」中使用幽默創造技巧的次數上,有大幅顯著的增加。2)經過技巧訓練後,雖然在限制參與者使用特定單項技巧的「幽默創造測驗」上,所顯現的幽默程度僅「語句的組合」技巧達到顯著提昇的效果;然而在不限定使用何種技巧的「整體延宕幽默創造測驗」中,實驗組之表現在幽默程度上有顯著的提昇。3)就7種技巧的效果比較而言,「掌握諧音」、「語句的組合」、「詞彙意義的多重性」、「語句意義的多重推論性」4項技巧的訓練效果是較佳的,其它的技巧則有改進的空間。


This study was to design a humor-creating training course and to explore its effectiveness. In the pilot study, 3218 jokes collected from Internet were reanalyzed by a framework proposed by Chen etc. (1999). Seven most often used humor-creating skills were found: homonym, word-combination, lexical ambiguity, syntactic ambiguity, erroneous inference, reinterpretation, and metaphorical inference. In the formal study, a humor-creating course was set up and 15 students from the Fu Hsing Kang College participated the experimental and control group respectively. Before and after the training course, all participants received a humor-creating test. The results suggested: (a) the frequency of using humor-creating skills was increased significantly in the tests; (b) when the skill is designated, the training effect was found only in word-combination skill condition. However, with no restriction, the experimental subjects scored higher on humor-creating test than the controls; (c) skills of homonym, word-combination, lexical ambiguity and syntactic ambiguity revealed better training effects as compared to others.
