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篇名 社會認知生涯理論之興趣模式驗證研究
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 A Social Cognitive Approach to High School Students' Career Interests
作者 田秀蘭
頁次 247-266
關鍵字 生涯自我效能社會認知結果預期職業選擇Self-efficacySocial cognitiveOutcome expectationsCareer interestTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200304


本研究以社會認知理論為基礎,探討高中學生職業自我效能、結果預期、職業興趣、及職業選擇行為之間的關係。研究者以自編之「生涯自我效能評量表」為研究工具,對台灣地區584 名高中學生(男341,女243)進行施測。所得資料以多變項變異數分析及AMOS套裝軟體進行分析,結果發現男女學生在某些興趣類型上有顯著差別,對不同類型職業的難度知覺、信心程度、結果預期、以及考慮選擇的程度也有所不同。而社會認知模式中興趣模式的驗證結果,只有在女生資料獲得小部分的支持,顯示社會認知生涯理論中的興趣模式對台灣地區高中學生的適用性並不高,與職業選擇行為相關之社會認知因素需做進一步之討論。


The purpose of the study was to test the appropriateness of the “Interest Development Model” in a Chinese culture. The Self-efficacy, Outcome Expectation, Interest, Choice Consideration, and Barriers Inventories were developed by the author. Five hundred and eighty-four (548) students completed the Inventories. Data collected were analyzed by MANOVA and AMOS. The results indicated that males’ and females’ interest, expectation, efficacy, and choice consideration differed for some of the sub-scales. The appropriateness of the interest segment of the Social Cognitive Career Theory was not fully supported by the data in this study. The application of the SCCT model for Taiwan’s high school students needs further examination.
