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篇名 多元智慧教學與歷程檔案評量對國中生英語學業表現、學習動機、學習策略與班級氣氛的影響
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 The Effect of Multiple-intelligence-based Teaching and Portfolio Assessment on English Learning Achievement, Learning Motivation, Learning Strategy, and Class Climate in English Class of Junior High School
作者 張玉茹張景媛
頁次 199-220
關鍵字 多元智慧教學班級氣氛學習動機學業表現學習策略歷程檔案評量Class climateLearning achievementLearning motivationLearning strategyMultiple-intelligence-based teachingPortfolio assessmentTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200304




The purposes of this study were: (a) to find practical multiple-intelligence-based teaching and portfolio assessments for English classes of junior high schools; (b) to compare the difference in English learning achievement, English learning motivation, English learning strategies, and classroom climate between multiple and traditional teaching modes; (c) to analyze the difficulty in teaching process and provide possible solutions; and (d) to display students’ learning process through portfolio assessment. Seventy 1st grade students (2 classes) were selected from Kuan-Rung Junior High School in Taichung county. One class was the experimental group, and the other was the control group. The participants were administered the English Learning Motivation Inventory, English Learning Strategy Inventory, and Classroom Climate Inventory. The results were as follows: (a) in English learning achievement, multiple-intelligence-based mode was significantly better than traditional teaching mode, (b) in English learning motivation, multiple-intelligence-based mode was significantly better than traditional teaching mode, (c) there was no difference in English learning strategies between multiple-intelligence-based and traditional teaching modes, and (d) in classroom climate, multiple-intelligence-based mode was significantly better than traditional teaching mode. Additionally, the results provide some suggestions for multiple teaching and illustrate the effects of portfolio assessment.
