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篇名 不同漸增高度的欄架對跨欄學習成績之影響
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Effect of Practicing Various Height Flights of Hurdles on Hurdling Learning Achievement
作者 陳克宗
頁次 211-223
關鍵字 體育課跨欄學習110MHlOOMHPhysical EducationHurdles LearningTSSCI
出刊日期 199408


跨欄在田徑項目中,可算是最具專門技衡的運動,是結合欄間快跑與跨欄技街的動作,而師院體育課除了培育師院生之終身運動習慣與樂趣外,更須悔之具備從事小學體育教學之專門技能,因此本跨欄教學之教材大綱,Jp著重速 度、技巧與體能等三要素,自編配合屏東師院一年級第二學期田徑跨欄教學課程,設計6節課為一單元之教學。而本實驗設計為單因子獨立樣本或相依樣本設計,以本學院語文教育系84級一年甲班男生19人、女生的人為受試對象,實驗前採隨機抽樣,將男、女生各分為兩鈕,再隨機分派接受不同漸增高度的欄架之跨欄教學實驗,祈望師院生在有限的時數學習中,能獲得最大效益。實驗結果統計採t值檢定法,經分析討論獲得結論如下:1.採周二種不同漸增高度之跨欄學習方法,在跨欄跑成績上受試之兩組間,並無顯著差異(P>.05)。2.跨欄學習成績,無論男生或女生在欄架採用不同漸增高度的學習後,受試各組之跨欄跑成績進步值,都達顯著水準(女生P<.05、男生P<.01)。3.本跨欄教學設計對師院生在6節有限之時數內可獲致顯著的學習效果, 著實有其教學價值。


The purpose of this teaching experiment was to investigate the great learning effeet on hurdling after 6 period physical education courses at Ping-Tung Teachers College. The teaching material of this experiment focus on sprint-hurdling, technique and physical fitness. The result of this experiment was inspected and anylyzed by T-test. The conclusions were as follow: 1.Significant progress existed among all the subjects in their hurdling achievement (female p<.05, male p<.01).
2. On 2 kind of hurdles learning methods, there was no significant difference between two groups of male subjects or female subjeαs.
3. This teaching experiment did get its value becasuse after a velγlimited PE courses, subjects of teachers college got significant progress on hurdles learning achievement.

