
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 以游泳推進功率及推進距離預測不同等級蛙泳選手划手蹬夾腿及協調效率之研究
卷期 27
並列篇名 A Study of the Relations between Propulsive Force/Distance and Coordination Efficiency among Breaststroke Swimmers of Different Levels
作者 丁益文
頁次 155-164
關鍵字 蛙泳划手瞪夾腿協調殼率推進功率推進距離breaststrokepropulsive power and propulsive distancecoordination efficiencyfrog kickarm strokeTSSCI
出刊日期 199906


1.推進功率與推進距離的兩種實驗方法再測信度達.76至.99之間,今後研究與本實驗相關的測量方法只要測量一次即可。2.各項推進功率與推進距離之間,可以相互預測成績。 3由於B級選手優於C級選手的主要原因在於划手、蹉夾腿及協調效率 的差異'C級蛙泳選手如泉想晉升為B級選手,訓練的重點應針對划手、蹉夾腿及協調效率方面進行改善。4.本研究結果顯示A級選手優於B級選手的主要原因在於划手及蹉夾腿 推進功率及推進距離的差異'B級蛙泳選手如果想晉升為A級選手,除了加強協調效率之外,訓練的重點應針對划手及蜂夾腿方面進行改善。


The purpose of this study was to use propulsive power and propulsive distance to predict the ann stroke, frog kick, and coordination efficiency among different levels breaststroke swimmers. The 36 male who were the swimming team members of Taipei served as the subjects of this study. Therewere three levels according to those swimmers' best 100 meters breaststroke perfonnances during the last three months. Each level included 12 swimmers. The "counter-balancing" repeated measures were used to measure the propulsive power and propulsive distance performances of the coordination, ann stroke, and frog kick. The following results were found under this study: 1. The test-retest reliabilities of the propulsive power and propulsive distance were between 0.76 to 0.99. According to the results, only test once will be enough for future related studies. 2. Each propulsive power and propulsive distance could be used to predict each other's perfonnance. 3. Level B swimmers' ann stroke, frog kick and coordination efficiency perfonnances were better than those of level C swimmers. Therefore, if level C swimmers wanted to become level B swimmers, their training should emphasize these three items. 4. Level A swimmers' propulsive power and propulsive distance perfonnances of the ann stroke, frog kick were better than those of level B swimmers. As a result, if level B swimmers wanted to become level A swimmers, their training should emphasize these items.

