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篇名 PACDSP之電源模式設計及驗證
卷期 132
並列篇名 Design and Verification of Power Mode for PACDSP
作者 謝憲慶黃柏涵
頁次 5-11
關鍵字 PAC數位訊號處理核心電源模式設計標準通用電源格式Common Power FormatPower Mode DesignPACDSP Core
出刊日期 201004


本篇論文針對PACDSP之電源管理做了完整的介紹,其中包含電源區塊(power domain)的劃分、特殊元件(Special cell: Isolation cell, level shifter, power gating cell..., etc)的分佈、各電源區塊轉態的流程以及最後的驗證流程。PACDSP主要分為五個獨立的電源區塊,可以依操作模式的不同,關閉沒用到的資料路徑來達到節省功率消耗的目的,也就是每個電源區塊的操作模式可因應程式的效能需求而改變。在驗證流程方面我們在DSM (Design Simulation Model)的環境中使用設定PMU(Power Management Unit)的方式來切換DSP的電源區塊,而在驗證的部分使用的是BDTI(Berkeley Design Technology, Inc)測試程式中的FFT(Fast Fourier Transform)做為驗證載具。


This paper studies the design and verification flow of power mode for PACDSP. There are five power domains in a PACDSP chip in which each power domain can be turned on or off individually according to different power modes. The power gating technique is utilized to reduce both the switching and leakage power dissipations with the help of Common Power Format (CPF) flow. The Design Simulation Model (DSM) together with the setting of PMU (Power Management Unit) are used to verify the power mode transition. The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) of BDTI (Berkeley Design Technology, Inc) is the test pattern to verify the power mode design of PACDSP.

