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篇名 Correlations between Subjective Symptoms and Objective Pressure - Flow Study in Patients with Prostatism
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 攝護腺肥大症病患,其主觀症狀與客觀膀胱壓力尿流檢查之相關
作者 洪峻澤林登龍陳光國張心湜
頁次 233-239
關鍵字 攝護腺肥大症候尿流速排尿膀胱壓力prostatismprostatic hypertrophyurine flow ratevoiding pressureTSCI
出刊日期 199412


本文在探討攝護腺肥大症候病人,其主觀症狀和客觀排尿壓力流速檢查(presure-flow study)之間的相關。從1992年12月至1993年8月,有52位攝護腺肥大症候病人,平均年齡69歲,完成ICS-攝護腺肥大症狀問卷、全天排尿紀錄表和壓力流速檢查。其每天平均排尿及液尿次數分別為9.4和3.6次,每次排尿量平均為158ml。阻塞性症狀和剌激性症狀之相關良好,但症狀和壓力流速檢查之結果則無相關性。以最大尿流速(Qmax)15ml/sec和最大尿流時之膀胱內壓(Pves at Qmax)100cm H2O為標準,可將病人分為四組:低流速-高壓組(LFHP)有20人(38%),高流速-高壓組(HFHP)有22人(42%),低流速-低壓組(LFLP)有3人(6%),高流速-低壓組(HFLP)有7人(14%)。若將前述的相關性分析將四組分開分析,其結果仍是相同。此外,四組之症狀問卷得分並無統計上之差異。由此可見,症狀本身不是下尿路阻塞之可靠指標,因為沒有尿路阻塞之病人有可能表現同樣的症狀。因此對攝護腺肥大症候之病人,有壓力流速檢查是個必須的檢查。


This study investigated correlations between subjective symptoms and objective pressure-flow study in patients with prostatism. From December 1992 to August 1993, 52 men afflicted with prostatism, aged between 56 and 80 years old (mean 69.1±5.3). completed the ICS-BPH symptom questionnaire, voding diary recording and pressure-flow study. The average daily frequency of urination and nocturia were 9.4 and 3.6 times respectively. The urine volume of each voiding was 158±48 ml. The correlation between irritative and obstructive symptoms in these patients was good, but correlation between subjective symptoms and various objective parameters of the pressure-flow study was poor. If patients were further divided into four groups according to the criteria of maximum urine flow rate (Qmax) 15 ml/sec and intravesical pressure at maximum urine flow (Pves at Qmax) 100cm H2O, low flow-high pressure (LFHP) was found in 20 patients (38%), high flow-high pressure (HFHP) in 22 (42%), low flow-low pressure (LFLP) in 3(6%) and high flow pressure (HLFP) in 7(14%). Caluclating the correlation in the four groups, separately gave similar results: good correlation between symptoms, but poor between symptom scores and pressure-flow study parameters. Furthermore, there was no statistical difference in symptom score among these four gourps. In conclusion this study shows that symptoms alone are reliable indicators for bladder outlet obstruction. Patients without bladder outlet obstruction may have similar symptome to those with bladder outlet obstruction. In patients with profound symptoms of prostatism but acceptable uroflow rate, a pressure-flow study should be advised to confirm the presence of outlet obstruction.
