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篇名 陰莖異物-病例報告
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 Penile Foreign Body: An Unusual Case Report
作者 陳黎明黃偉晃曾炳榮
頁次 269-271
關鍵字 陰莖異物海綿體血液抽取精神治療penile foreign bodydetumescence by corpora blood aspirationpsychotherapyTSCI
出刊日期 199412


患者是一位29歲未婚男性,他因嫖妓內心產生罪惡感而將鐵片及環自行置入陰莖引起排尿困難,求診要求摘除。在全身麻醉之下我們先將陰莖海綿體內之血液抽出,待陰莖直徑變小後塗上Xylocaine Jelly 潤滑才將異物順利取出。


A 29-year-old single man was admitted requiring for removal of an iron plate and metal ring, causing difficltty in urination, which had been introduced around penis by himself for prevent guilty from prostitution again. Under general anesthesia, xylocaine jelly was applied for lubricating the iron plate and the foreskin of penis. Aspiratin of blood from the distal corpora was repeated until detumescence then the iron plate was removed without difficulty.
