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篇名 Long-term Follow-up of Intracavernous Injection of Vasoactive Agents in the Treatment of Impotence
卷期 5:4
並列篇名 陰莖海綿體注射血管活性藥物治療陽萎之長期追蹤報告
作者 葉雨青林信男呂敏中周詠欽
頁次 221-226
關鍵字 勃起功能異常陽萎陰莖海綿體注射erectile dysfunctionimpotenceintracavernous injectionTSCI
出刊日期 199412


在接受陰莖海綿體注射血管活性藥物以治療陰莖勃起功能異常的150位病人的回顧性研究中,其中有32位病人經追蹤治療超過12個月。本篇研究是關於這32位病人治療分研報告。32位病人分成兩組,第一組18位病人接受前列腺素戊一型(prostaglandin, E1, PGE1)之治療,第二組14位病人接受罌粟鹼混合酚特氨(papaverine + phentolamine, PA+GE)。這些病人對此一治療方式皆感滿意,而繼續此一治療方式。在治療過程中,沒有特久性勃起(priapism)發生。6位病人(18.8%)有皮下血腫。有一位接受罌栗鹼混合酚特氨注射治療的病人發生陰結節,而另外一位接受同樣藥物的病人發生肝臟酵素升高現象。在32位病人中,有22位(68.8%)只需偶而注射藥物以幫助勃起,而剩下10位(31.2%)病人則是每次都必須藉助藥物來幫助勃起。這些結果經過統計分析(Student’s t-text以及chi-square analysis) 發現這兩組病人並沒有顯著差(P>0.05)。陰莖海綿體注射血管活性藥物是一有效且安全的陽萎的治療方式。


In retrospective study of 150 patients who had received intracavernous self-injection with vasoactive agents for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, 32 patients (21%), forllowed up for at least 12 months were evaluated in this study. Eighteen patients were administered prostaglandin E1 (Group I) and 14 patients a papaverine-regitine mixture (Group II). Most of the patients expressed satisfaction with the treatment. No priapism occurred in the course of therapy but six patients (18.8%) suffered from subcutaneous hematoma; there were two patients in group I and four patients in Group II. In Group II, one patient had a penile nodule after repeated injections and one patient had a penile nodule after repeated injections and one patient had a temporary increased in liver enzymes. Of the 32 patients, there were 22 (26.8%) who needed the therapy only intermittently while the other 10 patients (31.2%) usually remained dependent on the drugs in order to achieve satisfactory erection. There was no significant differences in effect between the two Groups.
