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篇名 農產品導入生產履歷系統之專案流程分析:以茶葉產業為例
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Process Analysis in Implementing Traceability System for the Tea Industry
作者 呂執中陳佳雯黃玉枝黃尹佐
頁次 155-172
關鍵字 生產履歷茶葉產業流程分析traceability systemtea industryprocess analysis
出刊日期 201305
DOI 10.3966/222369612013050301008




Currently, supply chains are rapidly developing, and the flow of foods items are accelerating and sometimes chaotic. Due to the problems of food poisoning and defective products, people have begun to increase their focus on food safety. However, without the ability to determine the source of defective foods, exerting pressure on suppliers becomes problematic, and suppliers not have been able to respond immediately to the necessity for product improvement. Agriculture is an integral part of the food chain, but the safety of agricultural products has continued its precipitous decline in Taiwan. For example, product labeling is unclear, and some unsafe food contains poisonous substances; these lead to risks for people’s health and safety. Due to these problems, implementing a traceability system for animals, fish, and agricultural products will be allowed to clear and effective messages regarding food safety. Consumers can buy insurance-food from certified production, processing, and delivery streams, to guard against unsafe products. This study, using the tea industry as an example, proposes a process analysis model from agricultural supply chain for a traceability system. Furthermore, the model provides a reference for other domestic food producers who seek to establish traceability systems.
