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篇名 資訊系統在大專校院推動個人資料保護法之應用
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The Application of Information Systems at the University for Personal Data Protection Act
作者 林俊榮高嘉隆蔡義騰陳羿涵
頁次 173-186
關鍵字 大專校院個人資料保護法資訊系統電子簽章關鍵成功因素colleges & universitiesPersonal Information Protection Actinformation systemelectronic signaturescritical success factors
出刊日期 201305
DOI 10.3966/222369612013050301009


《個人資料保護法》自2012 年10 月1 日上路以來,對各機關行號對合理使用個人資料有著顯著的推動效果,而其鉅額的損害賠償金額,讓各機關行號無不戰戰兢兢的面對。擁有數千筆以上學生和教職員個人資料的大專校院更是需要對校園內個人資料的蒐集、處理和利用進行個資盤點,否則稍一不慎即有可能違反相關規定,並面對鉅額賠償的求償訴訟。要避免訴訟案件的發生,學校除了須積極依照相關規定盡到良善管理責任外,更應積極取得當事人的授權同意使用。 本研究以中部某科技大學應用資訊系統完成全校教職員生的個資聲明書與同意簽署為例,對大專校院推動因應《個人資料保護法》上路的相關措施與作為進行個案的分析與討論,並提出一個以資訊系統為基礎完成個資同意聲明書的系統架構,以作為學校後續的個人資料蒐集、處理和利用的基礎。本研究結論如下:一、配合《電子簽章法》之運用可以最有效率之方式完成告知並取得當事人授權同意;二、積極且有效之分工可使個資保護之推動工作更加落實;三、高階主管的支持是落實《個人資料保護法》管理的重要關鍵成功因素。


Since October 1, 2012, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) was applied and all organization must to reasonable use the personal data. If they use personal data illegal, they maybe have a huge amount of fine. So they almost need to carefully to use the personal data. The colleges and universities have the personal data more than several thousand and need to use it more carefully and legal. If they have not, they may more easy to have litigation about huge fine. To avoid the litigation, the schools not only to be goodness management responsibilities but also to get the user’s agreement of authorize. In this study, we practice an information system to finish license of agreement and statement for personal data protection at a university in central Taiwan. We discuss and analyze a university how to do something in response to PDPA, and we propose an architecture base on information system to support a school to collect the user’s license of agreement and statement. In this study we have some conclusions as follow: (1) use electronic signatures is the most efficient to get the license of authorize; (2) positive and effective division of labor allows personal data protection work better; and (3) top management support is the key success factors of the implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act management.
