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篇名 智慧型手機應用程式應用於旅遊產業的實證研究
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Smartphone Apps for the Tourism Industry-An Empirical Study
作者 張琬媜張樹之
頁次 217-236
關鍵字 智慧型手機手機應用軟體旅遊smartphone applicationtouristuser oriented
出刊日期 201305
DOI 10.3966/222369612013050301011


近年來,由於無線網路之普及,智慧型手機使用者可以輕易地在任何時間、任何地點和其他手機使用者保持聯絡,也讓社會的腳步正式踏入下一個新的型態─無所不在之商務(Ubiquitous commerce, U-commerce)。此外,社群網站的興起也在社會扮演舉足輕重的影響角色。社群網站不只影響使用行為,也改變了人與人之間的交流方式和資訊傳播。旅遊產業和旅遊者也深受智慧型手機、手機應用程式和社群網站之影響。但是市面上熱門之手機應用程式通常為軟體工程師所設計而非出自使用者的意見,這些軟體真的符合使用者所需嗎?本研究目的在於,探討有哪些因素會影響旅遊者使用旅遊相關軟體之意圖,並根據結果建立一個旅遊應用程式之樣本。本研究透過問卷調查方式,以瞭解旅遊者使用旅遊相關軟體和其他因素之影響。結論證實,社群網站和隨時保持聯繫等因素會對旅遊者有正面影響;旅遊資訊品質則被視為基本因素,而對旅遊者並無明顯之影響。另外,本研究也根據結果設計了一個旅遊相關應用程式並納入使用者建議之功能。


With the development of wireless internet, smartphone users could reach and be reached, anytime, anywhere. In addition, social network sites (SNS) is also playing an important role affecting the society by influencing people’s behavior and how people connect with others significantly. Therefore, there are more and more smartphone applications (apps) and SNS are being developed. However, the apps are seldom developed from the user’s viewpoint especially for tourism apps. This study aims to explore what factors would affect user’s intention of using tourism related apps. According to our results, u-construct (ubiquity and uniqueness), perceived value of SNS, and personal innovativeness have positive effect on intention. Although information quality shows no positive effect on intention and some other factors, information quality is still an important factor considered by users. We identified and developed the desired functions of tourism apps including: journey producing, sharing, recommended system, connected to SNSs, and LBS. These functions could be used to improve the value of tourism apps by increasing user’s intention and satisfaction of using the apps.
