
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 國小資優資源班數學課程實施之個案研究
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 A Case Study on Mathematics Curriculum Implemented in a Gifted Class of an Elementary School
作者 徐偉民陳佳萍蔡桂芳
頁次 129-160
關鍵字 國小資優資源班數學問題數學課程實施elementary schoolgifted resource classroommathematical problemmathematics curriculum implementationTSSCI
出刊日期 201604


本研究旨在探討國小資優資源班數學課程實施的情形,以及教師課程實施 的考量因素。以一位任教超過20 年的資優資源班數學教師為對象,採個案研究 法,透過教學觀察和訪談來蒐集資料,得出兩個主要的發現:一、個案教師在 實施資優數學課程時,大量使用沒有固定解法與程序的高認知問題,且採用師 生共同探究或學生自行探究的方式,來提供資優生許多推理、臆測與檢驗的機 會。二、個案教師實施資優數學課程時,主要考量個人對於資優數學教學與學 習的觀點,以及資優生好奇與喜歡挑戰的學習特性,自行蒐集與設計活化的數 學問題。環境脈絡與課程配合教科書使用之因素在個案教師設計與實施資優課 程時的考量較少,符合國內外資優班實施數學教學之精神。研究者根據結果提 出以下建議:一、持續關注資優數學課程實施的議題,從不同的面向來分析與 了解;二、擴大與多樣化研究對象,以了解不同背景與教學經驗的資優資源班 教師數學課程實施情形與考量因素。


The purpose of this study was to investigate how an experienced elementary school teacher implemented her mathematics curriculum in a fifth-grade gifted class. At the same time, the study also identified what factors she had considered from her more than 20 years’ teaching. A case study approach was used. All data collected included classroom observations and teacher interviews. The findings indicated that most of the tasks she used were high-level cognitive demands requiring students to explore and understand the relevant concepts and relationships. She implemented the tasks both in teacher-students cooperative enquiry and students-self enquiry. She also provided plenty opportunities for students to reason, conjecture, and check their own thinking when they worked on the tasks. Her main considerations were based on her learned teaching experience, such as her viewpoints about the target curriculum and her students’ learning characteristics. Other factors like learning contexts and mathematics curriculum had less influence on her teaching. However, the limited teaching time and the feeling of time pressure were the main concerns in her curriculum implementation.
