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篇名 沒收法制修正之評釋
卷期 62:3
並列篇名 A Study on the Legal System of Criminal Forfeiture
作者 柯耀程
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 沒收第三人沒收屬人性屬物性溯及既往禁止ForfeitureThird party ForfeiturePersonalityMaterialityRetroactivity
出刊日期 201606




The legal system of criminal forfeiture was reformed in 2015. The reform unclude:1. abandons the character of accessory punishment of criminal forfeiture; 2. formulate a new special chapter for the forfeiture. This Reformact makes the scope of criminal forfeiture to the Third. In general the main content of this reform is to give the criminal forfeiture a independent effect. And the scope of its application is to expand to a third person for a particular confiscation, meanwhile it is updated the effectiveness and the aging specification of forfeiture specification. In terms of properties of confiscation, it is correct in legislation for Criminal Code, that the institution of forfeiture is orderd as a independent legal effect, but it is error, that it is not made clear the real nature of the forfeiture, not to making the original nature, that it should be a nature of material and not personality. Additionally the legal validity of the reformed forfeiture can be applied retroactively, it will lead to the contradictory between norms and make the error in the ysstem of norm. The justical practice will get the hesitation about the correct appropriateness of normsystem. This reformed error will lead the application to a unsolutive delimma. This is worth pondering!
