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篇名 論實務蒐證違法態樣與證據排除─兼論私人不法蒐證應否證據排除
卷期 62:3
並列篇名 A Study on Illegally Obtained Evidence and Exclusionary in Practice --- Whether the Evidence Unlawfully Obtained by an Individual should be Excluded
作者 石宜琳
頁次 085-121
關鍵字 蒐證違法證據排除正當法律程序搜索扣押合理之穩私期待監聽緘默權不自證已罪之特權羈押測謊Illegally Obtained EvidenceExclusionary RuleDue Process of LawSearch and SeizureReasonable Expectation of PrivacyPrivilege of SilenceProbable CauseEntrapmentPolygraph
出刊日期 201606


我國證據排除法則之制定,沿革於美國聯邦最高法院所創設之「證據排除 法則(Exclusionary Rule)」,其主要目的,旨在抑制違法偵查,嚇阻警察機 關不法,促使能遵循正當法律程序,俾維護司法之正潔性。又該法則具有憲法 第8條規定之「正當法律程序」內涵,除已成為偵、審機關應遵循之法則外, 實已提昇為憲法原則。


The Exclusionary Rule in Criminal Procedure Law in Taiwan is based on the "Exclusionary Rule" originally coined by the Supreme Court of Unite States. The main purpose of the Exclusionary Rule is to restrain the investigator, such as police officer, from illegal investigation. In this way, the investigator should and will comply with the due process of law. Thus, this rule maintains the Judicial integrity and is in agreement with the Article 8 of Taiwan Constitution. Moreover, the Exclusionary Rule has become not only a guideline during investigation and trial but also a principle of the Constitution.
The evidence could be classified into two categories of testimonial evidence and real evidence. Testimonial evidence should reflect the true fact. Therefore, if the testimonial evidence is procured illegally, it could be considered as perjury and should be completely excluded from the trial because the free will of defendant and the true fact would be unreliable. In contrast, to protect human rights and to maintain social security, those evidence which are not viewed as testimonial evidence may still hold the original physical characteristics even with disfiguration or destruction of property, so they could reflect the true fact, and should be sometimes prudently considered as the evidence of crime against the defendant in the trial although they are obtained in violation of law.
