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篇名 日本防衛設施設置與管理對策之研究
卷期 62:3
並列篇名 A Research on the Strategies of Japan's Defense Facility Set-Up And Management
作者 簡銘儀
頁次 143-161
關鍵字 日本自衛隊防衛設施環境權防衛省吉田主義Japan Self-Defense ForcesDefense FacilityEnvironmental RightMinistry of DefenseYoshida Doctrine
出刊日期 201606




Under the pluralistic society development, the problems associated with the environmental rights are increasingly important. In order to improve surrounding facilities and the various issues arising from the defence, Japanese government has developed the specific provisions of the law to regulate all kinds of barriers of the Countermeasures on Environmental Law to be legalized, at the same time to expect to implement environmental protection as through administrative measures. Furthermore, in terms of defence preparedness of the environment around the facility, although the Japanese government has actively improved the living environment and compensation measures to the residents who still live in the surrounding neighbourhood, however, with the rise of public awareness, filed lawsuits relief has increased year by year, regardless of the trial verdicts mostly in favour of the residents. Residents are the core, which is worth learning by us. In viewing all the setting of defence facility management and countermeasures in Japan, it took several decades of development and adjustments gradually to construct a balanced relationship. This article will mainly focus and explore on the Japan defence facilities as the key point, as well as the made defence facility against, set up and used in the current situation and the legal norms for analysis to explore the management system and the Countermeasures defence facilities. Ultimately, we introduce the compensation measures and relief pipelines by citing litigation cases to examine the position of the judicial practice in Japan, to provide our country for future policy evaluation and reference.
