
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 加盟契約中的資訊揭露
卷期 54
並列篇名 Information Disclosure during the Performance of Franchise Contract
作者 楊宏暉
頁次 001-056
關鍵字 加盟合作契約資訊揭露合作義務共生交易FranchiseCooperation ContractInformation DisclosureObligation of CooperationSymbolic ArrangementTSSCI
出刊日期 201701




Franchise Contract which is categorized as a symbolic arrangement is a kind of cooperation contract. Obligations to cooperate such as information disclosure, assistance, instruction, secret and etc. are materializations of cooperation. The obligations during performance of franchise contract focus on three issues–first, information about the successful performances in order to protect the interest of franchisee; secondly, information about successful performance such as post reports; thirdly, obligation of instruction or proof. This article based on the principles of European law on commercial agency, franchise and distribution contracts discusses the information risk allocation between franchisor and franchisee. Disclosure of material information, supply of technique and assistance of suggestion are the main obligations of franchisor. Information about infringement, account of sales, report of market observation and secret belong to franchisee’s obligation.
