
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 婚暴併兒虐服務整合的挑戰與模式初探
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Challenges and Model of Integrating Marital Violence and Child Abuse Services
作者 沈瓊桃
頁次 051-090
關鍵字 家庭暴力婚姻暴力兒童虐待服務整合family violencemarital violencechild abuseintegrated serviceTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




Both Western and domestic empirical studies provide overwhelming evidence that marital violence and child abuse often co-occur in the same families. Moreover, the experiences of dual-violence have negative and long-term impact on children. However, marital violence and child abuse were often intervened by separate systems and practitioners that might result in uncoordinated services, and therefore, was not able to protect all the victims of family violence. In order to prevent the fragment services, this study aims to examine the challenges and possible model of integrating marital violence and child abuse services. Examining the issue of integrated services can avoid the lack of coordination and conflict between the marital violence and child abuse service sectors, and help preventing family violence based on the consideration of enhancing the safety of all family members. This study used multiple data collection methods, including focus group and questionnaire. Five focus groups were held around the nation (including northern, central, and southern Taiwan) with the participation of 24 social work supervisors or directors. Quantitative data was collected from a sample of 39 social work practitioners in public or private agencies by using a questionnaire designed from the focus group qualitative data. The questionnaire completion rate is 88.6%. Research results show that there is no consistent model across the nation and there is a lack of standardized procedure for serving dual-violence families. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. Research participants suggest that the ideal integrated model should assign cases by families, rather than individuals. Moreover, it is better for the dual-violence family to have a case manager or social worker with authorized official power to be in charge of coordinating services. Developing a standardized operation process or handbook, and enhancing the batterer's treatment programs are also suggested. Finally, it is suggested that a complete service package should include not only individual services for the husband, the wife, and their children, but also treatment for the whole family as well. The service goal is to increase the safety and well-being of the whole family.
