
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 國內安置少年自殘行爲之探究:自殘方式、理由與解釋因素
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Self-Mutilation among Adolescents in Residential Group Care: Methods, Reasons, and Associated Factors
作者 陳毓文
頁次 145-188
關鍵字 自殘行爲少年機構安置self-mutilationadolescentsresidential group careTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




The objectives of this study were to explore the patterns of self-mutilation, including prevalence, reasons, and methods used among youth in residential group care, and to examine factors associated with their self-mutilating behavior after living in the institution. Among 545 respondents with completed data, 50.0% participants had engaged in self-mutilation after placement. Among them, 33.9% said they ”seldom” did it, 29.8% said they ”sometimes” did it, and 11.2% said they ”often” did it. In terms of reasons, most reported they did so to reduce aversive emotions or thoughts, such as anger, stress, pain, loneliness, and unpleasant memories. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression analyses revealed that frequency of self mutilation after placement could be predicted by gender, depressive symptoms, attitudes toward institutional regulations, and association with self-mutilating peers. Acceptance of self-mutilation played a weak mediating effect between association with self-mutilation peers and the frequency of self-mutilation. The study suggests that all residents should be screened for their emotional State and risk of self-mutilation. Related professionals need to teach high risk youth strategies of handling negative emotions, to prevent contagious among peers, and to set up reasonable regulations in the institutions.
