
社會政策與社會工作學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 1980年代以來台灣社會工作與社會福利學術的發展
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Academic Trend of Social Work and Social Welfare since the 1980s in Taiwan
作者 林萬億沈詩涵
頁次 219-280
關鍵字 社會工作社會福利學術期刊學術發展趨勢social worksocial welfarejournalacademic trendTSSCI
出刊日期 200806




Social work as a profession in Taiwan is very young. Its beginnings are to be found within the diffusion of American social work and international community development movement in the 1960s. Since the 1980s the rapid development of social welfare in Taiwan has coexisted with development of social work academia in the same political and economic context. Undoubtedly, the latter interplays with the former. Social work originated from Western society, and generally speaking, tendency of social welfare and academic foci in the West dominates other countries' study subjects and development of social welfare. This study is concerned on how social, economic, and political environment work upon the traces of social work academia in Taiwan. We intend to figure this out through analyzing keywords of disquisitions in five important academic journals: Social Policy & Social Work, NTU Social Work Review, Taiwanese Social Work (once named Journal of Social Work until 2002), Soochow Journal of Social Work, Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare, and Community Development Journal, which is generally viewed as a representation of social work practice in Taiwan. We use content analysis and historical research as methods in the study, and then discuss these keywords' correlation with the contemporary settings.
