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篇名 跨越偏鄉教育的孤寂――從小校策略聯盟開始
卷期 115
並列篇名 From the Strategic Alliance of the Rural School to Overcome the Isolation of Rural Education
作者 潘淑琦
頁次 223-249
關鍵字 偏鄉教育策略聯盟學生學習rural educationstrategic alliancestudents learning
出刊日期 201805
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201805_(115).0012




The main object of study was the Jiji elementary school in a rural area, because the influence of low fertility and the typhoon disaster caused some villages to relocate in 2009, the number of students reduced suddenly to 32 in this school district, and this district belonged to an economically disadvantaged and culture deprived area. This study used qualitative research methods, collected the research materials by the observation of actual activities, the interviews with principals, teachers, students and parents of the strategic alliance schools, students’ feedback and researcher’s reflection, etc., and took the triangulation by multi-data sources and objects in order to improve the validity and reliability. The results of this study showed that: 1. In terms of student learning effectiveness, the strategic alliance could enhance the opportunities of students’ cooperation, interaction, learning and imitation. 2. In terms of the important relationship between parents and school, school education was not discounted because of student numbers decreased, and could stimulate the student’s potential with customized teaching activities.3. For the school operating efficiency, the strategic alliance could integrate resources to reduce costs, maximized the benefits, and as a strategy for the operating and developing schools.4. In terms of teachers showed educational love, he strategic alliances can better unite the teacher’s heart to make sacrifices for their students, and they can go all out for the interschool strategic alliances.5.Toward the interscholastic all-win goal, improving the low atmosphere of inter-school and toward this goal through the cooperation incentives and manufacturing features. It should be noted that the success of strategy alliance in rural schools: 1.The manager’s educational concepts were a key factor in supporting the rural schools partnership.2. The teacher’s educational enthusiasm was the successful force of the rural schools partnership.3. The rural schools all-win was a propeller of the strategic alliance.4. The school took student’s learning as first through strategic alliances.5. The rural schools partnership was an efficient strategy to expand student’s vision.6. Rural schools should give up bias to participate in the strategic alliances.
