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篇名 中西對比探源-《馬氏文通》之語法框架
卷期 19
並列篇名 Contrastive Linguistics of Chinese and Western Language. The grammar of Miishi Wintong
作者 劉珍綾
頁次 103-124
關鍵字 漢語語法馬氏文通語法學史對比語言學Chinese GrammarMishi WentongLinguistic HistoriographyContrastive Linguistics
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/181147172018060019006


《馬氏文通》被視為漢語語法的開山之作,在此之前,漢語語言教育及教學一 直隸屬於傳統的修辭學及訓詁學領域。關於《馬氏文通》的語法框架,其內容以模 仿西方語法為主,主要來源為傳統漢語學融合西方語法分析。本文探討了影響《馬 氏文通》的西方語法書籍,介紹傳統漢語研究範圍,並對比西方語法學家 與《馬氏文通》的語法術語。《馬氏文通》的語法建構深受西方語法影響,作 者將西方語法分析套用在漢語裡,對於漢語對比語言學肇始做出巨大貢獻。


The first Chinese grammar composed by a native author is Mdshi Wentong, which was published by Ma Jianzhong in 1898. Until then, Chinese tradition had developed studies of rhetoric Xiu Ci Xue j^^iPand exegesis Xim Gu Xue as priority disciplines of education and language teaching. In Ma5s work two types of sources are identified: the Chinese linguistic tradition on the one hand, on the other hand, Western models of analysis of the European languages. In this work, those studies that could influence the Grammar of Ma are taken into consideration. We review previous studies of the Chinese language and compare the grammatical terminology of Mdshi Wentong with the European generalized Grammar of Port -Royal (1660). This work will show that in the grammatical system of Ma? some characteristics of the traditional study of the Chinese language come together with other characteristics of Western linguistics.
