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篇名 為提高曰語學習者內在動機的實踐研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 Practical study on enhancing Japanese learner's intrinsic motivation
作者 万田裕一
頁次 197-210
關鍵字 自我決定理論自主性的需求勝任感的需求關係感的需求內在動機self-decision theoryintrinsic motivationdesire for autonomydesire for competencedesire for relationality
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/181147172018060019010


本研究在日語教學中採用了增加內在動機的學習戰略,來驗證學習效果。本研 究從自我決定理論的角度分析,這個理論作為增加內在動機的因素假設了三個心理 需求(「自主性的需求」、「勝任感的需求」、「關係感的需求」)。然後,本研 究也分析這三個心理需求對學習者的動機有什麼效果。為了提高内在動機,採用以 日常會話為中心的實踐學習策略。本研究把內在動機細分成三種(「對教學活動的 動機」、「對教學的動機」、「對日語學習的動機」),用來衡量每個內在動機。 分析結果如下。本研究採用的學習策略有能夠滿足學習者的三個心理需求,還 有提高他們内在動機。此外,心理需求和内在動機之間的相關性之分析結果,「勝 任感的需求」比其他心理需求對內在動機有強大的影響力。這樣的結果顯示,為了 提高學習效果,滿足學習者的「勝任感的需求」是很重要的。在日語的指導下,教 師應該積極促進學習者充分認識勝任感。


This research introduces a strategy to raise intrinsic motivation to Japanese classes, and reveals its effect. this research analyzes from the viewpoint of self decision theory. This theory assumes three psychological desires, "desire for autonomy", "desire for competence'' and "desire for relationality'' as factors that increase intrinsic motivation. Then, we analyze how these psychological desires influence learners' motivation. In order to raise endogenous motivation, this study adopted a learning strategies that emphasizes practice mainly for everyday conversation. This research subdivided the intrinsic motivation into three elements ''motivation for class activities ", "motivation for Japanese language class" and "motivation for learning Japanese", and measured motivation. The analysis results are as follows. This strategy was able to satisfy all three psychological desires, and it was able to increase each of the intrinsic motivation. In addition, as a result of analyzing the correlation between three psychological desires and intrinsic motivation, the influence of "desire for competence" on intrinsic motivation was very strong. In order to raise the learning effect, it was confirmed that "desire of competence" is important. In other words, in teaching Japanese, it is necessary for teachers to actively encourage learners to fully recognize "desire of competence".
