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篇名 歐盟生態環境管理及稽核制度(EMAS)在德國 高等教育機構之應用及其對我國的啟示
卷期 19
並列篇名 Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) at German Higher Education Institutions
作者 華明儀
頁次 145-172
關鍵字 生態環境管理及稽核制度環境管理系統高等教育德國永續發展Eco-Management and Audit SchemeHigher educationGermanySustainable Development
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/181147172018060019008


自1990年代以來,為因應更嚴格的環境立法、與日倶增的競爭以及消費者與其 他利益相關者對環保意識的抬頭,使得環境管理系統在許多工業領域行之多年。然 而,近年來學術機構亦對應用環境管理系統產生興趣。隨者全球綠化大學的趨勢, 許多德國高等教育機構也引進了歐盟的生態環境管理及稽核制度(Eco-Management and Audit Scheme,EMAS)。本研究旨在描繪出德國學術機構應用EMAS認證模式的 樣貌,並且透過評估主要的驅使因素,嘗試掲示引進EMAS的理念。此外,本硏究 亦針對如何提升EMAS認證的誘因提供政策上的建議。


A total of 26 German universities have so far introduced the European Union's BeeManagement and Audit Scheme (EMAS) but more are to follow. The purpose of this study is to identify the major drivers for universities to implement the voluntary EMAS and to reveal a pattern of EMAS certification among German Higher Education Institutions in order to develop a framework to ease the employment ofEMAS at other universities. The paper examines environmental statements and reports of universities implementing the auditing scheme with the aim to determine the rationale behind the implementation. Content analysis techniques are applied to highlight common features but also specific characteristics. However, to be able to put the developments into a broader context the study also includes secondary resources, mainly from articles in international journals. Finally, for gaining a better understanding of the issue from a legal perspective, legal sources were also included. Scholarly attention to the emerging deployment of EMAS at tertiary education institutions in Germany has been limited. An up-to-date overview of EMAS deployment at German universities is provided and barriers to implementation highlighted. The study reveals that so far mostly state-owned universities have opted for EMAS, and most of them are of small size and have previous environmental expertise and experience. Private universities have not tapped the potential of EMAS. The high concentration of EMAS certified higher education institutions in the state of BadenWiirttemberg suggests that the state government's efforts to support the implementation of EMAS bear fi.uits. The study provides policy recommendations on how to increase incentives for achieving EMAS certification among tertiary education institutions.
