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篇名 服務學習融入素養導向之環境教育課程:以一所特偏小學導覽特色課程為例
卷期 14
並列篇名 A Case Study of Service-Learning into the Literacy Curriculum of Environmental Education for the Featured School Curriculum in An Elementary School in Remote Areas
作者 李建彥
頁次 029-058
關鍵字 服務學習環境教育導覽解說素養特色課程service-learningenvironmental education;environmental guideliteracyfeatured school curriculum
出刊日期 201712




The aim of this study is to investigate the process of an elementary school teacher who explore service-learning into the curriculum of environmental education through an action research. This investigator through the process of interviews, observation of reflection of a single analysis and conclusion which explore the implementation of service-learning into the curriculum design and teaching of environmental education course,the implementation of the program after the student has reached the goal of environmental education and the implementation of service-learning into the environmental education curriculum, on student's interest in learning and attitudes growth. Research findings revealed three points: (1)Through a systematic curriculum development helps students achieve curriculum goals. The reflection of course teaching can be used as a basis for curriculum improvement; (2) Curriculum of Service-Learning into Environmental education promote students on environmental awareness and sensitivity, environmental knowledge, values toward environmental ethics, skills and experienced of environmental action; (3)Through service-learning course improves students' interest in learning and the effect of learning. Finally, this article proposed some suggestions for schools, teachers and future follow-up studies.
