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篇名 高職餐旅群教師對翻轉教學之認知與教學意願之研究
卷期 14
並列篇名 A Study on the Teachers' Understanding of the Flipped Classroom Strategy and Willingness to Teach the Strategy: A Case of Teachers of Hospitality and Tourism in Vocational High Schools
作者 廖芮涵馮莉雅涂汐如
頁次 059-080
關鍵字 翻轉教學認知程度教學意願Character Educationrespectpicture books
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討高職餐旅群教師對翻轉教學之認知程度和教學意願,先以台灣南 部四縣市的高職餐旅群教師335 位為問卷調查對象,採描述統計分析和逐步多元回歸 進行統計分析。再以立意抽樣方式,訪談6 位高職餐旅群教師,了解影響其翻轉教學 之認知程度和教學意願之可能因素。有六項主要發現,說明如下: (1)教師對翻轉教學之認知程度和教學意願有中上的表現。 (2)有60%以上的教師評估自己的教學具有翻轉教學之元素。 (3)研習、閱讀相關書籍、實際經驗分享能增強教師對翻轉教學之認知程度,課程 性質是不利因素。 (4)教師個人的教學理念、同事的支持協助是激勵教師實施翻轉教學的重要因素, 但學校教學視導的要求、班級秩序管理能力和班級學生素質、課程屬性是妨礙 教師實施翻轉教學之因素。 (5)學校政策的要求、提供足夠的設備、教學管理模式的鬆綁、授課課程減少變動 等情境因素,均能增進教師小規模實施翻轉教學之意願。 (6)教師須先在自己熟悉的班級、能有效掌控上課秩序的班級,經過幾個月以漸進 方式培養學生具備小組討論、小組合作或發表之學習行為後,才可能實施完整 的翻轉教學模式。 (7)教師對翻轉教學「功能效用」的看法是預測教師實施翻轉教學意願的重要變項。


This thesis aims to investigate the teachers’ understanding of the “flipped classroom” strategy and their willingness to teach in hospitality and tourism departments in vocational high schools. The questionnaire participants were 335 teachers and the interview participants were 6 teachers of hospitality and tourism departments in vocational high schools, four counties of southern Taiwan. The descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression were utilized. The findings are as follows: (1) Participants perform a high-intermediate level of understandings for the “flipped classroom” strategy and the interest in applying the strategy in their classes. (2) Over 60% of the participants agree with the contemporary implementation of the “flipped classroom” strategy. (3) Workshop, reading, and practical experience sharing are positive factors of understandings of the “flipped classroom. Curriculum type is the obstruct factor. (4) Workshop, reading, teaching philosophy ,and peer support are inspired factors of implementation of the “flipped classroom. Requirements of teaching supervision, ability of classroom management, student’s quality, and curriculum type are obstruct factors. (5) School Policy, sufficient equipment , loosen teaching management model and reducing teaching curriculum diversification can improve teachers’ interest in applying the strategy in their classes. (6) After several month team learning skills, and implementation of the pilot study in a familiar class or a class with good learning behaviors .Teachers will implement the complete the lipped classroom” strategy.(7) The most effective predictive variable for the surveyed teachers’ willingness to apply the “flipped classroom” strategy in their classes is “teaching effects” in the scale of the “flipped classroom” strategy understanding.
