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篇名 結合問題導向學習(PBL)與服務學習(SL)的教學策略以提升國小師資生的數學教學溝通知能
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Construction of An Teaching Strategies of Problem-Based Learning Combined with Service-Learning for improvement of elementary pre-service teachers mathematics instructional communication competency
作者 陳國泰
頁次 081-106
關鍵字 問題導向學習服務學習數學教學溝通知能mathematics instructional communication competencyproblem-based learningservice-learning
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在建構一套「結合問題導向學習(PBL)與服務學習(SL)的教學策略」 (PBL + SL),並在國小師資培育課程中(與培育數學教學溝通知能相關的課程)規劃 相關教學活動,以供師資培育者提升國小師資生的數學教學溝通知能之參考。為此, 本研究分別探討教學溝通知能的意義與内涵,以及問題導向學習和服務學習的意義、 内涵與實施方式,並發現問題導向學習和服務學習在培養師資生的數學教學溝通知能 上,可以相輔相成。據此,本研究提出一套「結合問題導向學習與服務學習的教學策 略」,並以國小師資培育課程中的「普通數學」、「課程設計」、「教學原理」、「國小數學 教材教法」、「人際關係」與「國小教學實習」為例,說明如何加以應用。


The purpose of this study is to develop an teaching strategies of problem-based learning (PBL) combined with service-learning (SL) for improvement of elementary pre-service teachers, mathematics instructional communication competency. Therefore, This paper explored the meaning and contents of instructional communication competency, and the meaning, contents and implementation methods of problem-based learning (PBL) and service-learning (SL), then found the PBL and SL can complement each other for improvement of elementary pre-service teachers’ mathematics instructional communication competency. Moreover, this study offered an teaching strategies of problem-based learning (PBL) combined with service-learning (SL), and applied to the courses of "General Mathematics", "Curriculum Plan", "Principles of Instruction", "Instructional Materials and Methods of Mathematics in the Elementary School", "Interpersonal Relationship", and "Educational Practicum in the Elementary School " of the elementary teacher education.
