
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 慶典集體朝聖者儀式性情緒反應前因與後果:以大甲媽祖遶境為例
卷期 31:4
並列篇名 Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Aggregated Pilgrims’ Ritualized Emotional Responses: Dajia Mazu Walkers
作者 吳東安徐世同張志成陳志明
頁次 001-029
關鍵字 神聖感共睦態出神擁擠經驗集體行動Sacredness perceptionsCommunitasCrowdedness experienceCollective actionTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6130/JORS.201812_31(4).0001


過去研究甚少以環境心理學觀點探究宗教慶典朝聖者神聖感的前 因與後果。因此本文將檢驗共睦態、出神、擁擠經驗、集體行動及知覺獨 特性等前置因子對朝聖者神聖感的影響,以及神聖感對慶典忠誠的中介效 果。實證樣本取自台中大甲媽祖遶境活動的朝聖者,有效問卷共計306份, 以Smart PLS 2.0進行模型分析及驗證。結果顯示:擁擠經驗、集體行動及 知覺獨特性三個前置因子,分別透過共睦態、出神正向中介影響神聖感; 此外神聖感中介共睦態、出神對慶典忠誠的影響。結論指出:大型宗教慶 典主辦者可運用本模型的前因意涵,提昇朝聖者的神聖感,俾利於宗教慶 典觀光活動的發展。


Few studies have empirically examined the antecedents and consequences of aggregated pilgrims’ sacredness perceptions while attending religious festivals. Based on environmental psychology theory and ritual theory, this study explored the antecedents of pilgrims’ sacredness perceptions, sense of communitas, ecstasy, crowdedness experiences, collective action, perceived uniqueness and its consequences, and festival loyalty. Data from 306 valid questionnaires were collected from “Dajia Mazu Walkers.” A Partial Least Square (PLS) procedure was employed to test the hypotheses in Smart-PLS 2.0. The results indicated that crowdedness experiences, collective action, and perceived uniqueness have positive effects on pilgrims’ sense of communitas and ecstasy. Moreover, the sense of communitas and ecstasy also mediate the relationship between crowdedness experience, collective action, perceived uniqueness, and sacredness perceptions Perceptions of sacredness mediate the relationship between the senses of communitas, ecstasy, and festival loyalty. The festival organizers would benefit from applying this model to improve pilgrims’ sacredness perceptions when developing and holding long-standing religious festivals.
