
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 應用藍幕技術探討溪頭自然教育公園中步道之動態擁擠知覺
卷期 31:4
並列篇名 Applying Blue Screen Keying Technology to Explore Dynamic Crowding Perceptions of the Xitou Nature Education Area Trail
作者 顏宏旭吳家穎
頁次 095-120
關鍵字 擁擠藍幕攝影技術行人流動CrowdingChroma key compositingPedestrian flow controlTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6130/JORS.201812_31(4).0004




Based on Manning’s crowding model, we adopted chroma key compositing and a post-production technique to simulate pedestrians’ dynamic flow under different circumstances to measure crowding perceptions. The main purposes of this research were: I. to use a post-production technique to simulate different pedestrian flow and to measure people’s crowding perceptions; II. to explore better flow control and interval spacing for future management. The results showed that for the same visitor numbers, a large group of visitors passing made people feel more crowded than when they were divided into several smaller groups of visitors. In particular, the distance between two four-people groups should be at least 12 meters. The acceptable interval distance was found to be at least 5.25 meters for a group of two; at least 12 meters for a group of five; and 30 meters for a group of 10. The results may provide basic flow control information for future management units to control pedestrian flow.
