
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 台江國家公園四草濕地生境格局與生態系統服務價值之時空變遷分析
卷期 31:4
並列篇名 The Spatial-Temporal Change Between Wetland Biotope Patterns and Ecosystem Service Values in the Sichao Wetland at Taijiang National Park
作者 李素馨邱浩瑋
頁次 063-094
關鍵字 景觀生態學焦點團體法疊圖分析Landscape ecologyFocus groupOverlap analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201812
DOI 10.6130/JORS.201812_31(4).0003




Wetlands are called the “Kidneys of the Earth” because they filter and conserve water resources, as well as provide high productivity and valuable ecosystem services. Yet, coastal and wetland ecosystems have been degrading due to urbanization, environmental change, and industrial and economic development. Sichao Wetland, which is located in Taijiang National Park, has unique natural, historical, cultural, and industrial characteristics, but is now facing conflicts between wetland preservation, tourism development, and local residents’ daily activities. To increase the ecological value of the recreational spaces in the national park, we used theories from biotope, ecosystem services, and landscape ecology to analyze the biotope pattern in Sichao Wetland. Ecosystem services and spatial-temporal changes were analyzed by biotope mapping and biotope value evaluation. The results show that the size of the area with a healthy biotope in Sichao Wetland and its value were decreasing. This research suggests that preserving high-value biotope areas and improving the low-value biotope areas should be the first priority for wetlands conservation planning in national parks. This study identified the impact of land-use management on landscape biotopes and ecosystem service systems and provided suggestions regarding the governance of Taijiang National Park.
