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篇名 20 世紀前葉之大阪商船公司的 《臺灣航線指南》
卷期 19
並列篇名 An Introduction to “Sailing Directions to Taiwan" Published by the Osaka Merchant Steamship Company During the First Half of the 20th Century
作者 松浦 章
頁次 001-025
關鍵字 大阪商船公司臺灣航線航線指南「航路案內」20 世紀前葉Osaka Merchant Steamship CompanyTaiwanSailing DirectionsFirst half
出刊日期 201504


大阪商船公司於 1884 年(明治17)5 月在大阪創立,主要經營駛往大阪以西 的瀨戶內海及九州航線,之後將航線延伸至朝鮮半島的釜山和仁川。甲午戰爭後 的1896 年(明治29)5 月,開設了大阪臺灣航線。作為吸引臺灣航線旅客的方法 之一,大阪商船公司所發送的正是這本《臺灣航線指南》。本文就至今未受到關注 的20 世紀前葉之大阪商船公司的《臺灣航線指南》進行闡述。


Osaka Shosen Kaisha (the Osaka Merchant Steamship Company) was founded in May, 1884 (Meiji 17) in Osaka. This company’s main sailing route headed west to Seto Inland Sea and Kyushu. A second route was later added to Busan and Incheon on the Korean peninsula. After the Sino-Japanese War in May of 1896 (Meiji 29), the company opened an Osaka route to Taiwan. In order to attract Taiwanese passengers, the Osaka Merchant Steamship Company distribute a booklet, "Sailing Directions to Taiwan" to passengers. This article elaborates on the content of the booklet, which has been not been analyzed previously.
