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篇名 近代菲律賓金門移民社群及其文化變遷:以鄉團及家族為主
卷期 19
並列篇名 Transformation in Sociocultural Networks of Overseas Chinese in the Philippines after 1898: A Case Study of Quemoy Communities
作者 江柏煒
頁次 067-116
關鍵字 華僑華人移民會館義山文化史Overseas ChineseImmigrantsAssociationCultural history
出刊日期 201504


近世以來,菲律賓與閩南區域交通往來頻繁。金門位於閩南地緣環境,地方 史料顯示,19 世紀中葉起即有移民僑居菲律賓各地的記載,初期集中於中部的宿 務及棉蘭佬的依里岸,後來逐漸擴及馬尼拉。部份經商致富的家族,陸續匯款返 鄉贍養家眷,或興修祠廟、民宅,甚至創辦學校及僑刊。換言之,20 世紀初起, 金門出現了不少的菲律賓僑村,如珠山薛氏、古寧頭李氏、後沙許氏等。 本文藉由文獻分析及田野調查,旨在討論近代菲律賓金門移民社群發展的歷 史過程,以及其社會文化的變遷。首先以金門人為中心,說明其在菲律賓的移民 分布、行業及初期歷程;再者分析菲華社會宗鄉會館的社會功能,以及各地金門 社群鄉團組織的情況;接著通過華僑義山的調查,探究金門移民的喪葬文化之變 遷;最後以三個金門家族史為例,再現在菲華僑華人的生活樣貌;通過上述的歷 史研究,進一步指出菲律賓金門社群百餘年來的文化變遷。


Quemoy(Kinmen)is an island close to Quanzhou(Zaitun)and Xiamen(Amoy) ports. A large of number of residents of Quemoy immigrated to Southeast Asia and Nagasaki, Kobe, Japan in search of a living after the 1860s. Quemoy developed into an emigrant society in modern time and the Philippines became an important overseas destination for its people. Immigrants from Quemoy and their descendants live in Manila, Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, and Iligan. Before World War II, they worked as seamen, rice and corn traders. After the war, their occupations diversified. The Quemoy Nan-dao Association in Cebu, established in 1947, and the Quemoy Association of the Philippines in Manila, formed in 1985, are now two important regional associations. Chinese Cemeteries in the cities where Chinese congregated are noteworthy. The paper will focus on Quemoy communities and families. It describes transformation in sociocultural networks of overseas Chinese in the Philippines after 1898. First, the paper will discuss the formation of society of Chinese Filipinos, including the role of charities, Chinese education, chambers of commerce and associations. Second, it will analyze issues regarding overseas Chinese industries, life histories, dual-wife family (one wife living abroad and one wife living in Quemoy, and identity. Third, I will explore the impact of overseas remittances on Quemoy and modernization of home villages. Fourth, I will analyze how overseas Chinese were kept informed of circumstances in Quemoy, including human rights of their hometown families during the Cold War. Finally, I will do a comparative study of sociocultural change of overseas Chinese in Singapore and the Philippines to better explain the phenomenon of overseas Chinese during modern times.
