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篇名 國小二年級教師品格教育課程實踐之個案研究
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 A Case Study on a Second Grade Teacher’s Curriculum Implementation of Character Education in an Elementary School
作者 鄭亞倩陳玉婷
頁次 013-030
關鍵字 國小二年級教師品格教育課程個案研究second-grade elementary school teachercharacter education curriculumcase study
出刊日期 201906




Using case study method, this study aims to explore a second-grade teacher’s motivations and ideas, contents, teaching methods, and assessment in the character education curriculum, as well as her difficulties and solutions she had faced. The participants were Teacher Liu (pseudonym), her students in the second-grade class, and one administrator. Data collection included observations, interviews, and document analyses. The results are as follows: (1) Teacher Liu’s motivations to carry out character education were her own belief that learning was based on character and her conformation to the requirements from the school. Teacher Liu’s ideas for character education were that good character was helpful to the students in integrating and adapting themselves to their lives. (2) Teacher Liu’s character education was carried out through formal curriculum in which the character themes include being courteous, responsible, honest and upright, gratitude to others’ help, and show filial piety. She also cultivated students’ good characters through the informal curriculum and hidden curriculum of the environment and the example of a teacher herself. (3) The difficulties Teacher Liu encountered were that she could not change the students’ family background and their parents’ ideas on how to educate children, and her painstaking teaching was returned by limited achievements. In order to solve the problem, she asked her students to observe rules at home and in class and to keep benign communications with parents. She also changed her teaching methods from correcting students’ shortcomings to praise their advantages and excellent performance to emphasize on social learning. Based on the research results, the researchers make recommendations for educators to implement character education in the future.
