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篇名 以遊戲式學習英語的App設計元素與介面使用性之研究
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 Research on Design Elements and Interface Usability of Game-Based English Learning Application
作者 鍾怡宣張晏榕
頁次 077-092
關鍵字 行動學習設計元素介面使用性滿意度mobile learningdesign elementsinterface usabilitysatisfaction
出刊日期 201906


隨著行動載具結合行動語言學習盛行,帶動了語言學習App 的快速發展,讓學習語言有新的方式。在現今市場的競爭壓力之下,以使用者為中心開發App 成為開發端重視的一環。因此,了解使用者對App的設計元素與介面使用性的相關性旨在提高對App 的被選擇機會。由於目前針對英語學習App 的設計元素對介面使用性之間的關聯性的研究,比起其他類型的研究來得少。故本研究將以App 的設計元素與介面使用性為主軸作為本研究之方向,旨在探討App 的設計元素對使用者的介面使用性滿意度之影響,並分析不同兩款英語學習App 的設計元素與介面使用性對使用者差異情形。研究結果發現,在比較五個介面使用性構面(易學性、效率性、可記憶性、防錯性、主觀滿意度)當中,「銀河單字卡」的介面使用性各構面滿意程度皆高於「Memrise」,故受試者較能掌握「銀河單字卡」之介面操作。而研究結果也發現App 的設計元素對介面使用性的相關性與影響性,皆達高顯著關係,其「畫面顏色設計」、「排版設計」、「圖像設計」構面,其偏好程度最高,影響介面使用性相對也較高。「內容故事設計」構面,偏好程度差異最低,影響介面使用性相對也較低。


With the widely used of mobile devices combined with mobile language learning, the rapid development of language learning applications has led to new ways of learning languages. Under the competitive pressure of today's market, user-centered design has become a focus of development. Therefore, understanding correlation between design elements of the application and interface usability is intended to increase the chance of being selected. Because the current research on the relevance of the design elements of English learning applications to interface usability is less than other types of research, this research will focus on the design elements and interface usability of the application as the direction of this research. It aims to explore that design elements of App influence on satisfactory of user’s interface usability, and analyze the difference between the design elements and interface use of two different English learning App. The results of the study found that in comparing the five interface-use surface textures (ease of learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, subjective satisfaction), the satisfactory for interface of the "Galaxy Single Word Card" is higher than "Memrise". The subjects were able to master the interface operation of "Galaxy Single Word Card". The research results also found that the design elements of the application have significant relevance and influence to the interface usability. The "screen color design", "layout design" and "image design" facets have the highest preference. The impact interface usage is relatively high. The content story design has the lowest difference in preference and relatively low impact on interface usability.
