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篇名 應外系學生對於臺師與外師英語教學之看法
卷期 34:4
並列篇名 AFLMajors’ Perceptions of Taiwanese English Teachers’ (TETs) and Foreign Native-Speaking-English Teachers’ (FNSETs) Teaching
作者 王清煌王願慈李欣融張思妍莊伊潔陳怡芳傅志雄吳天佑
頁次 093-110
關鍵字 應用外語系台師外師台灣Applied Foreign Languages Taiwanese English Teachers Foreign Native- Speaking-English Teachers’ Taiwan
出刊日期 201906




The purpose of the current study was to explore Applied-Foreign-Languages (AFL) majors’ perceptions of Taiwanese English teachers’ (TETs) and foreign native-speaking-English teachers’ (FNSETs) teaching in two national technical universities in Mid-southern Taiwan. The research question of the current study was: How did AFL majors feel about their TETs’ and FNSETs’ teaching in their university contexts? Data collection was an anonymous 5-point scale questionnaire, including the participants’ background information, 51 items and one open-ended question. The questionnaires were distributed to 409 AFL majors of two national technical universities, and the number of the valid collected questionnaires was 374 (M: 52, F: 321, and one without clicking the gender box in the questionnaire). The main results of the current study indicated that (a) All the AFL majors’ attitudes toward TET’s and FNSETs’ teaching tended to be positive, but in the participants’ minds, FNSETs could benefit them in English learning much more than TETs, (b) All the participants tended to hope that TETs and FNSETs could take more care of each different-English-level student than usual in class, (c) Both males’ and females’ participants took almost the same attitudes toward TETs’ and FNSETs’ teaching respectively, and (d) TETs should create a cheerful English learning environment for their students as FNSETs did.
