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篇名 浮式防波堤之設計研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 The design study of the floating breakwater
作者 俞克儉俞怡君
頁次 1-26
關鍵字 功角繫留索消波率瞬間張力Instantaneous tensionwave-attenuation coefficient
出刊日期 201003




The floating breakwater was installed in the open sea area for reduceing the attack by the wave, so the material of the floating breakwater has to resist the attack of the wave and erosion. The waste tire had been to design in the study.
The floating waste tire breakwater was set up in the water tank for experiment. The results indicated that It has been improved the stable mooring rope system reducing 56% instantaneous tension of the floating breakwater under the interaction.
The maximum wave eliminate rate occurred when the flow velocity was low and wave height was high. For instance, if flow velocity(V) is 5cm/sec ,wave height(H)is 15cm and the attack anger is 90° , the wave eliminate rate is 73.2%.
The floating breakwater con’t perform so well when the flow velocity (V) and wave height (H) are high. For instance, if V is 25cm/sec ,H is 5cm, and the attack anger is 90°,the wave eliminate rate is only 37%, The wave eliminate rate will be around 50% under other conditions.
