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篇名 應用氧化鋅鈀材成長氮摻雜感測材料之研製
卷期 24
並列篇名 Growth of Sensing Material with Nitrogen Doping by Using ZnO Target
作者 吳秉宸楊誌欽陳楷錫Chen, Kai-si)林宗義
頁次 105-113
關鍵字 氧化鋅濺鍍成長氮摻雜ZnOSputtering systemNitrogen Doping
出刊日期 201003


本研究將針對氮摻雜氧化鋅感測材料進行研究,使用氧化鋅鈀材並通入氮氣,利用濺鍍法(Sputtering)、顯影技術、蝕刻技術製造感溼元件,並使用顯微鏡與膜厚量測儀去測量成長的厚度,並以顯微鏡觀察感測膜品質,再以阻抗量測儀進行電容感濕量測,以研究氮摻雜對氧化鋅材料的影響。研究中氧化鋅加入氮元素之成長機制研究,利用改變濺鍍(Sputtering)時氮氣體流量,固定基板加熱溫度、濺鍍時間、氧化鋅成長壓力等變數,消除鋅插入缺陷(Zinc interstitial)與氧空隙缺陷(Oxygen defect) ,成長含氮之氧化鋅溼度感測材料。


This research was proposed to utilize sputtering system within ZnO target to fabricate material of electronics nose of ZnO sensor by doping N2, and expected to use it in micro multiple bio-sensor system with intelligent functions in new generation. The first test was material measurement for ZnO deposited on Si substrate. The fixed pressure, growth time, gas flow rate, annealing and growth temperature, and DC applied voltage of sputtering system will be selected to study characteristics of the ZnO sensors with doping of nitrogen.
