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篇名 校園實習商店營業績效個案研究─以高雄海洋科技大學狗腿咖啡館為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 A Case Study of the Operating Performance on Student-run Shop-the Gold Tail Café on National Kaohsiung Marine University
作者 洪榮耀林秀如
頁次 165-189
關鍵字 行銷策略服務品質營業績效顧客滿意度實習商店Student-run ShopMarketing StrategyMarketing Strategy QualityService QualityCustomer SatisfactionOperating Performance
出刊日期 201003




The Department of Logistics Management, National Kaohsiung Marine University was established the Student-run Shop-the Gold Tail Café in 2004, but its operating performance continued to decline. The research use the case study and the questionnaire survey method to explore the marketing, management strategies, service quality and satisfaction of the Gold Tail Café to summarize the service quality management proposal and the marketing strategy. Studies show that after the implementation of management suggestions and marketing strategy, promotional goods, the month sale growth rate is significant improvement, and the profit ratio did not decline. A summary, the research could confirm through the service quality management proposal and the marketing strategy raised the operating performance of Gold Tail Café.
