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篇名 電信服務業、運籌管理、經營績效
卷期 24
並列篇名 A Study of Liability Insurance policy of Cargo Damages in International Logistics
作者 曾文瑞陳芊蓁
頁次 263-292
關鍵字 國際物流貨損賠償責任責任保險International LogisticsLiability InsuranceLiability of Cargo Damages
出刊日期 201003




When our government is plan for developing Taiwan as an Asia-Pacific Regional Operations Center and international trading business, we could find the importance of the logistics industry to link other country by looking into the logistics data for Taiwan and other countries in Asia. In order to provide a more complete service to their customers, logistics companies not only work on professional job assignments but also provide wider services for customers. Traditional storages and transports also upgraded into a logistics centers. Hence, companies now bear more logistics liabilities while their businesses grow wider and deeper.
This article analyzes legislation definitions for different logistics stages. It also discusses how domestic legislations regulate logistics companies on cargo damages during transportation. After analyzing and comparing liability insurance contracts from different insurance companies, we found that domestic insurance providers have not put the concept of “logistics liability” into integration. Besides, the fact that insurance contracts are divided into each different contracts based on different logistics operation stages has caused logistics companies troubles when they purchase insurance products. Regarding international insurance contracts, this article analyzes and differentiates contracts from PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd and Through Transport Mutual Insurance Association Limited. Lastly, after different researches above, this article suggests international logistics companies to choose their contract contents cautiously.
