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篇名 6LoWPAN無線感測網路技術探討與實現
卷期 137
並列篇名 Technology and Realization of IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks
作者 賴靜瑛李岳峰黃清錦張燦毅黃揚
頁次 005-013
關鍵字 無線感測網路IPv6低功耗無線個人區域網路ZigBee通訊協定Wireless Sensor Networks;WSNIPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks;6LoWPANZigBee Protocol
出刊日期 201102


隨著無線感測網路(WSN)技術的提升與相關應用的蓬勃發展, 未來將有數量龐大的感測裝置藉由網際網路讓使用者直接存取及控制。IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)標準具有位址資源豐富、位址自動配置、安全性高、移動性佳與隨插即用等特性,可以解決目前無線感測網路所面臨的問題。因此IETF組織於2004年成立6LoWPAN標準工作組, 研究如何讓目前無線感測網路最常使用的IEEE 802.15.4標準與IPv6協定相互結合, 並確保與現存IP設備之互通(interoperability)。本文旨在探討6LoWPAN技術之基本原理, 並說明6LoWPAN系統的初步實現方式。


With rapid development and enhancement of wireless sensor networks technologies, the users are able to directly access and control a large number of sensor devices. The unique properties of IPv6, such as
rich address space, automatic address assignment, plug and play, and high security and mobility, can meet the demands of next generation wireless sensor networks. The 6LoWPAN working group of IETF, formed in 2004, addresses the challenge of integrating IEEE 802.15.4 and IPv6 into a single protocol stack, while ensuring interoperability between existing IP devices. The article introduces the technology of 6LoWPAN and provides a basic system realization.

