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篇名 技專校院教師之教學研究服務表現特色
卷期 73
並列篇名 Faculties of Technological Colleges and Universities Performance in Teaching, Research, and Services
作者 王為國鍾任琴
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 技專校院教師教學研究服務Faculties of Technological Colleges and Universitiesteachingresearchservice
出刊日期 201105




The purpose of this study was to explore the job characteristics of the faculties of Technological Colleges and Universities performed in teaching, research, and services. To explore the research questions, this study employed qualitative research. The participants of this study were 16 faculties selected from technological colleges and universities. Data were collected through interviews, and then interview transcripts were coded and analyzed for themes and patterns. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1) faculties experienced difficulties in teaching; however, they retained a positive attitude and methods of teaching; 2) college faculties were granted less research resources than university faculties, but retained their enthusiasm regarding teaching and services; 3) faculties required an autonomy for a portion of the time they engage in teaching, research, and services; 4) teaching, research, and services presented conflicts in time commitments, but they were complementary; 5) the impact factors of faculty’s engagements included evaluations, promotions, personal values, and career stage.
